Friday, June 26, 2015

Unidentified and mysterious Lights encounter.

Today just minutes back i was with my friends just chatting with them and that time i just my eyes caught a very big flame of Light in the sky and else there was dark everywhere. But the Light just front of me in sky was Brightning the whole dark. The light was like a circle with a tail that looks alike burning itself. And the thing was that it was just merely a half of kilometer far from us and the thing turns me to thinking on bright side of the light (U.L -UNIDENTIFIED LIGHT in the sky)
Mysterious and unidentified Light encounter -
The thing starts from the early ages of human evolution when we all were cave man's in science side called as  homosepians the starting stage  of the modern human beings. As we all know that the encounters of u.f.o, aliens and mysterious space objects as well as unidentified lights were not only in this age of modern civilisation but these things too happened in the early starting age of human evolution. There are several proofs mysterious objects in the sky at that time like in the caves and in the Rock paintings and carvings by our ancestors so called really man's. But the thing is when we talk about mysterious and unidentified objects from the sky and space the arrow of questions turns towards to aliens or so called extra terrestrial beings. No wonder that there is Life outside the earth and in the far dark corners of this huge universe. Even in these days i mean the  21st century we got huge of mysterious space lights encounters. So the question is what is that? Where it comes from?  who send it on the earth? What's the aim of sending mysterious Lights towards the earth? Will The answers always  remain hidden from us or we will come to know the answers in near future? I don't really know.
Few years ago a mysterious unidentified Light came into the sky of Peru when that Light fall on the ground of a area in Peru some native folks noticed that phenomenon due to the bright light fall of from sky many of native folks gone to that spot where the light fall off on that spot they found a large crater full of water and after a day probably on next day the whole town where thar mysterious light fall on was prey of an unknown virus or a disease unknown to human science. Are they testing their worm weapons on us or its the whole scene to gain  immunity to fight from other deadly virus or just they are giving is signs of a intelligent race outside of planet earth.
Thanks for reading please do share us your experience with mysterious space lights.

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