Saturday, July 11, 2015

Mantras The sacred texts

Mantra - Let's talk about mantra today. While reciting my mantra in the night I thought of sharing my dose of daily mantra recitation with you my friends.

Well I am guessing by now we all have started participating in their lives by this sacred routine. Right? This post is for all of you who have started and who are beginners and also for those  who don't know the importance of this routine.

Well would you live without eating your meal or for that matter without breathing?? No, right?! So how can you live your life without the inclusion of the sacred mantras?

To start with, let's know why should we recite the sacred mantras. Why? Because it sounds spiritual and we all connected through this site are seekers of spirituality. Is that the reason, I ask? Or is there anything bigger than this.. well you see nothing can be compared to the importance of the value of the daily dose of your chosen mantra. The one which you choose for your peace and connectivity to the Lord.

Of the thousands of them you have your will to choose the one with whose frequency your body's vibration match.

How to know that? Well the step is simple if you have time and patience.
Just YouTube for the mantras and take an album, then play it continuously wherever you are; in your sacred home, in your car, in your  I pad or phone, in kitchen or shower, anywhere and everywhere. Then of course meanwhile feel with which one you connect.

But why to do all this? Why to recite mantras? Why? How necessary is it in our daily hectic (speedy) lives?

So to talk of the importance, the mantras purify your surroundings. They purify your mind, body and soul. It's the mantras alone which make a huge difference during your meditation. If you just sit with your closed eyes in the lotus position and think why nothing is happening...why are the things not happening of which the free spirits (sage and/or sadhus) talk, then my love nothing will happen. You got to surely recite the mantras. Otherwise it's like hitting on a rope in the night thinking that it is a snake and realising in the morning with the rays of the sacred sun that it can't be killed since it is only a rope. So that means wastage of time and energy, right?

Well thats why start reciting your mantras from now on. It really is not important to take out precious time for that because all the time is precious. Your every now is precious and apt to connect with yourself and your Lord.

I would like to share my favourite mantra. The one which is naturally on my lips..In my heart..In my breath majorly all the time. The one which keeps me reminding of my Great Lord Shiva..The one that helps me to stay away of the materials, desires and of the pleasures. The one mantra that purifies all my surroundings.

The simple and strongest of all the mantras. .... "Aum Namah Shivaya" or simply "Aum"!

I hope you all heal yourself and your loved ones with your own chosen dose of a sacred mantra, but don't you forget to add the basic ingredient of faith in it.- Mahima nanda (Author)
[The image used in this article is not our property this image is taken randomly from the Internet]

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