Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Brhmand (Cosmic universe)

This universe is  eternal it has no end.  it's only got ways for infinity. Sit back relax and look at those stars. Don't you get amazed?  i bet that you damn will be.  this is the cosmos but not only this is the universe. universe is something that resides within ourselves so don't seek it Just feel it and if only once you'd feel that thing then you are able to see the universe. That tells you the secret eternal mantra of the cosmos.  Look at everyone, everything, everythink and everynothing. These all are the universe itself because we are not the children's of the universe or siblings of it. We are universe.
But the only need is to awake, enlight and open your third eye.
Universa is  beautiful as like as you and as everyone. The only God of this universe is our Lord the Shiva shankera.
Lord shiva is the Supreme king of universe (sadashiva) and the moon itself suits him as his abode. With the sacred serpent that have three coil around the neck of Lord showing three great cause for sufferings and Lord shiva has won over that three cause. That are Lust,greed, anger.  and the great epic Himalyas itself bows down in the respect of Lord itself. Devine Lord Shiva shankera we all bow down to you for our Supreme good and enlightenment.

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