Sunday, January 18, 2015

Let your music be heal you.

Let your music be heal you yes it can happen if you can feel the power of music. The power of music is like the power of universe because the music have Powerful frequencies that can heal you up. It's that simple that anyone can do it by himself. Let me suggest you some tips that how to work with it. It's simply a form meditation you too can call it meditation. So the thing is music. First tune up your favorite music or the music that you like most of the time to listen. So start your music in a room sit in the middle of the room and close your eyes. So start listening music and concentrate on nothing and after a few minutes when you got relaxed. Now the time of main things to do. Listen the music deeply from within and think that music vibes is entering in your ears and from your ears they are entering to your mind. Then store the energy in your mind and after a while it's time to radiating the vibes (energy) to your body. Now think that energy is traveling to your whole body. And think that the energy is  recharging and  refreshing you.
Now if you have any pain or scars in any part of your body Try to send that energy in that part of body. whole your energy to that body part that is suffering. Now hold the energy on that body part. Do it once a day and feel refresh recharge and healed.
Good vibes and positive energy.
Peace Love and Light.

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